Andrew has used and been around wood stoves for over 40 years. He has been heating his own home for over 20 years. In those 20 years, 11 years were operating two prototype wood furnaces with the patented technology. That would be approximately 31,680 hours of operation and testing. It is with Andrew’s experience with heating with a wood stove/furnace that he can say it is the best heater he has ever used and improved prototypes would be even better performing.
Andrew knows that there needs to be more testing with scientific measurement tools to further verify the heater’s performance.
People need heat, for space heating and water. Customers would benefit so much with the new design, even with slow progress, Andrew knows that his design is better, it is why he keeps persevering, so many people will benefit.
Chicken or the egg?
Many companies are producing new biomass fuels, for example: Prairie Clean Energy (a Canadian company) was launched in 2020 out of the pursuit for an environmentally sustainable solution to agricultural waste. Produced from flax straw, biomass pellets. Sulakorea Co., Ltd., pellets and biomethanol from coconut waste(a South Korean company). And that does not include all the wood pellet manufactured in the United States. The availability of fuel is shown in The U.S. Department of Energy Bioenergy Technology Office’s (BETO’s) 2023 Billion-Ton Report (BT23), it is an assessment of renewable carbon resources potentially available in the United States.
Do you make the fuel or do you make the combustion chamber to use that fuel first? These and other fuels will produce more heat, with Round for a Reason’s combustion chamber and heat transfer design. The patented technology can be used for a furnace, stove, indoor/outdoor, firewood, pellets, chips… so many applications.
Thank you for visiting the site and continue reading to learn why we are round for a reason.
If you burn biomass, are you burning in a square or round combustion chamber? New, old or retrofitting a square style burner, efficiency is on the top of your mind but the root problem for inefficiency is the actual shape of your combustion chamber. Large or small, our patented design is used to build what you need. A vertical cylinder combustion chamber and our heat transfer design is an advancement over current square/rectangular/box shaped fireboxes. Use biomass as a fuel with a technology platform built for an efficient future.
We are a heating appliance company and more! We have a patented combustion chamber and heat transfer design.
A vertical cylinder is just the best shape and of course using our patented technology.
Every year millions of tons of biomass (including firewood and pellets) are wasted because of box/square/rectangular stove and other combustion chambers. BOX combustion chambers are OLD technology.
We are really round for a reason.
Below is why square wood stoves are such outdated designs.
Old Wood stoves are known for pollution, waste and chimney fires. Old and even new stoves are wasting heat out the chimney. The wasted heat – is wasted fuel and the heat can cause chimney fires. People are trying to fix the problem themselves and putting themselves at risk. You can look on Youtube and find so many ways people are trying to capture the heat being wasted out the top of their wood stoves.
The black and white image is what average stoves look like. A square box with a baffle in the back, sloping upwards, going about half way towards the front of the stove. You can see the short path for heat to travel and the easy path for fire to go into the chimney.
For hundreds of years, customers and aftermarket companies have known the problems with wood stoves and have been trying easy fixes to a huge problem.
The root cause of all these problems is the shape of current stoves. What is needed is a real and permanent solution.
I made a major advancement and I have groundbreaking innovation.
Our major advancement is getting away from the square outside and inside for a fire box. The patent is for a vertical cylinder combustion chamber.
We have many round baffles that are level, even gap all the way around, forced heat transfer and a path that is too long for flames to get into the chimney.
The patent shows a wood furnace but many styles and types of biomass can be burned.
Thanks for stopping by! We simplified some of the fire science and hope you enjoy the website.
Round for a Reason LLC is a heating appliance company. We really like biomass! Just think of all that power in a cord of wood… “[a] single cord of wood contains 333 times as much energy as the Powerwall.” Article link
Patented in Canada (2,707,405) and United States (9182116)
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