
Round for a Reason LLC – biomass heaters that use less fuel, give off more heat and are safer.

What I want from viewers of this website:

            Would you buy a wood stove or other heater with this technology?

             Is the technology and the benefits understandable?

Reach out to us on the contact page! Thank you!

Old Wood stoves are known for pollution, waste and chimney fires. Old and even new stoves are wasting heat out the chimney. The wasted heat – is wasted fuel and the heat can cause chimney fires. People are trying to fix the problem themselves and putting themselves at risk. You can look on Youtube and find so many ways people are trying to capture the heat being wasted out the top of their wood stoves.

The black and white image is what average stoves look like. A square box with a baffle in the back, sloping upwards, going about half way towards the front of the stove. You can see the short path for heat to travel and the easy path for fire to go into the chimney.

For hundreds of years, customers and aftermarket companies have known the problems with wood stoves and have been trying easy fixes to a huge problem.

The root cause of all these problems is the shape of current stoves. What is needed is a real and permanent solution.

I made a major advancement and I have groundbreaking innovation.

Our major advancement is getting away from the square outside and inside for a fire box. The patent is for a vertical cylinder combustion chamber.

We have Many Round baffles that are level, even gap  all the way around, forced heat transfer and a path that is too long for flames to get into the chimney.

The patent shows a wood furnace. Three furnace prototypes were built. They were tested in house. I was the first customer and I still use the furnace that I built. A stove was sold to a homeowner also.

Thanks for stopping by!  We simplified some of the fire science and hope you enjoy the website and look around and learn why we are,”Round for a Reason”.

Round for a Reason LLC is a heating appliance company. We really like biomass! Just think of all that power in a cord of wood… “[a] single cord of wood contains 333 times as much energy as the Powerwall.” Article link





Patented in Canada (2,707,405) and United States (9182116)


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