
Round for a Reason LLC is trying out another way of making the “Round for a Reason”
design understandable to customers.

If you heat with wood, you probably know what a stove pipe damper is. (below – there are crazier things to put into a flue pipe)

A lot of stoves need one of these to make them usable and safe.

But what if you could build a damper into a stove to improve its efficiency and safety?

The patented round design with a vertical cylinder and round baffles means a safer, cleaner and more efficient solution.

In the below picture, you can see a round baffle inside the round firebox.

It is a little hard to see in the image but the baffle is a circle and around the outside you can see an even gap.






Just think, a wood stove wastes so much heat out of the chimney/flue pipe that all these crazy inventions were made to try to capture some of the wasted heat.

Again, that is why our patented design is round, we take the heat out of the flues gases before the gases even get to the flue pipe on top of the stove.